Photographer Gail Albert Halaban (b. 1970) is renowned for her ongoing series Out My Window (2004-present). Here, she works with residents from neighbouring houses to recreate the scenes they glimpse of each other’s lives through the window. Moments from daily life are frozen and framed by cosy lighting, rectangular windowsills and intricate architecture. We see a guitarist practicing on the balcony, a man exercising on a stationary bike and ballet dancers practicing at the barre. It’s a unique way of building community. Some participants begin as strangers and develop lifelong bonds through the project. Gail Halaban’s latest exhibition at Jackson Fine Art is titled Neighbours in the Building. Here, she develops the theme of Out My Window by investigating the stories we make up about the people living around us. In this interview, the lens-based artist shares insights into the cultural differences she’s observed between locations, the inspiration behind her latest project and the story behind her shot of The Dorilton.
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